Ahmad Rosid

Software Engineer

Hi there 👋 thanks for coming, I write both short and long tutorials about web development mostly about Laravel, JavaScript, Rust and Golang.


I build some projects to help me learn new things and also to help other people. Follow my journey build in public here.



A simple web app to chat with your PDF document.



A bookmark manager with focusing on reading experience.

Where is the pip package file located?

The location of pip package files can vary depending on your operating system and Python installation. Here are some co...

How to deploy Laravel app with a PostgreSQL using Laravel Forge?

So recently I needed to improve the performance of my production Laravel app. The app was already deployed using Larave...

Understanding Reduce Operations in Laravel: A Beginner's Guide

Laravel has a handy Collection helper that can help you work with array data. It takes a functional programming approac...

How to Copy Folders to Remote Servers Using SSH

Copying folders between local and remote systems may not be a task you do daily, but sometimes you might need to do tha...

How to use codemirror legacy modes?

CodeMirror 6 introduces a modular architecture, allowing for more flexibility and customization. But the language suppo...

How to install Golang in ubuntu with curl?

To install Go (Golang) on Linux using curl, you can follow these steps: 1. Open a terminal on your Linux system. 2. D...

How to Set a Custom Redirect URL After Login in Laravel Jetstream?

Building web apps is getting easier these days, with new tools coming out every day to help developers get the job done...

How Laravel Facades work?

Today, we'll dive into a powerful feature of Laravel - Facades. We'll explore this concept through a practical and inte...

Introduction to Alphine.js

Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework. It makes it easy for you to create interactive user interfaces without...

Upload Files to Cloudinary in Laravel

File management is a crucial aspect of modern web applications, and Laravel developers often need to handle file upload...

Integrate Local LLM into Your Laravel Projects with Ollama

The progress of Open Source Large Language Model is growing rapidly, now if you have a computer with 8 GB of ram you ca...

How to use Claude AI in Laravel?

Now that Anthropic has already opened access to their Claude model, it's time to try the Claude API in our Laravel appl...